Show HN: I Built a Fair Alternative to Product Hunt for Indie Makers Like You

41 points 13 comments 5 hours ago

I see a new product-hunt alternative launched every couple months here. Maybe I’m cynical, but I don’t think we’re going to displace product hunt with things like new voting dynamics. They already have the network effects, so I think you’d need to make a relatively large change to stand a real chance.

Edit: Here’s a proposal for a bigger change. do some free advertising for the submitted ideas. Run simple Google/youtube/facebook ads for them, just directing people to their page on your platform. Hopefully this doesn’t burn too much cash, since you’re actually advertising for their page on your platform, so it’s good for you in the end. Perhaps submissions have a small fee in the long-term, to monetize the platform.


Let’s go full meta and build a product hunt… but for product hunt alternatives!


Could somebody explain the appeal of browsing Product Hunt? It seems just like a subreddit where people post nothing but ads for their businesses, and I've always been a bit baffled by it. Sure if I had a SaaS to sell I'd post it there, but why is there an audience for a long list of product ads?


Nice work! It looks pretty good, I just might use it soon!

FYI, you seem to have an encoding issue. There is a bunch of `'` in your pages. [0]



This is awesome! Congrats on the metalaunch ;-) I found the site hard to navigate visually as everything was equally prominent (in fact, yesterday's launches pop more than the current ones right now), so I took a stab at a different layout.


Code here:


I really like the direction you’re taking. Product Hunt can feel like it’s run more for the benefit of the maintainers than for the community. It’s their service, so fair enough, but it also means users sometimes lose out. And let’s face it—there’s definitely some gaming of the system going on.

Your approach seems promising. Have you considered taking it even further, maybe by making the platform more decentralized or democratized, kind of like a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)? That might align the incentives more directly with the indie maker community and help keep everything transparent. In any case, I’m glad to see new ideas that give smaller products and teams a fair shot.

Keep at it!



Another related aspect: it’s likely that tech hype sphere will not actually make much of a difference unless you’re selling to those people directly. My app Payload got featured in fastcompany, and I thought that was amazing. It drove traffic to the website and I was just waiting for the users… that didn’t come. And then a few days later back to normal.

On the other hand, the less prestigious tech blogs for regular people (think PC magazines) were much better at driving both real users and also traffic.

Anyway, the point is that your customers might not be on product hunt checking out the coolest newest hypiest products. In fact, it’s very unlikely they are. Just a reminder to not take these games so seriously.


I think the only product that you could really launch on Product Hunt is a Product Hunt clone.


I don't like that I have to comment before I can post my own product. None of the items on the page look like something I'd want to try or comment on.


How would you handle the situation that if this is successful, you’ll get massively more than 10 candidates each day?


Thanks for sharing and congrats on the launch!

I'm not seeing what makes this more fair or product hunt unfair. Can you talk about that piece?

If I'm reading between the lines, it kind of seems like you think product hunt is unfair because savvy startups activate their users for votes. Wouldn't the same thing happen here?


Love the idea! Would be amazing if the ranking algorithm would be public. As in you know exactly what needs to be done to rank higher


Congrats! I love the idea!

Made by @calebRussel